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FOX NEWS: GOP Senate candidate, a wounded vet, blasts Dem claim he’d end preexisting conditions coverage

GOP Senate candidate, a wounded vet, blasts Dem claim he’d end preexisting conditions coverage

A Republican U.S. Senate candidate from Virginia who lost his leg in the Iraq war is pushing back against claims that his criticism of ObamaCare means he opposes protecting health care coverage for people with preexisting conditions.


المشاركات الشائعة من هذه المدونة

FOX NEWS: LA County public health director reveals violent threats against her over coronavirus response

LA County public health director reveals violent threats against her over coronavirus response Los Angeles County's top health official said Monday that she and others in similar roles have received death threats over safety measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, prompting some to resign as measures to combat the pandemic have turned increasingly politically partisan. 

FOX NEWS: Pelosi says Trump has downplayed severity of coronavirus: 'As the president fiddles, people are dying'

Pelosi says Trump has downplayed severity of coronavirus: 'As the president fiddles, people are dying' House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called out President Trump on Sunday over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, saying that his denial of the seriousness of the pathogen and his delay in ramping up the federal government’s response to it has proved “deadly” for Americans.

FOX NEWS: Paul Batura: Earth Day during coronavirus pandemic – celebrate creation and the Creator as we shelter in place

Paul Batura: Earth Day during coronavirus pandemic – celebrate creation and the Creator as we shelter in place Many people around the world spent the 50th annual Earth Day behind closed doors at home Wednesday, sheltering in place in hopes of stopping the spread of the coronavirus. If not for the pandemic, no doubt great numbers of us would be out celebrating the blessings of our beautiful Earth on a beautiful day.